LOOK BACK IN TIME: May 25th 1878

By Press Release May 26, 2023

This week we thought we’d bring you two advertisements (among many) for hair restorers published in the Isle of Wight Observer of 25th May 1878. We can only say they sound so wondrous that it is a mystery why they are not still available today!

COOL AND REFRESHING BALM FOR THE HAIR. Among the many preparations offered to the public for the possession of luxury and comfort, OLDRIDGE’S BALM OF COLUMBIA stands pre-eminent. No toilet is complete without it, especially during the heat of summer.

The increasing demand for this justly-famed Balm proves how valuable it must be in replenishing, invigorating, and preserving the hair, it having withstood all opposition and imitation for upwards of fifty years. The hair of the head, and the whiskers and moustachios, are alike benefitted, and it also prevents the hair from turning grey, makes it look bright and glossy, and frees it from scurf. It is invaluable for children, as it forms the basis of a magnificent head of hair; it is free from anything of a poisonous character, and will not injure the health of skin.

Sold by all perfumers and chemists, at 3s 6d, 6s and 11s only. Wholesale and retail by the proprietors, C. and A. Oldridge, 22, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.C.

It requires a considerable amount of philosophy to hail grey hairs as “heralds of the tranquil hour, of calm sensations and high reason’s power.” That they are the forerunners of eternal tranquility no one can deny, but though their possession may operate as monitors of the conscience, few people care to let the outside world know of their arrival. We like to claim juvenility as long as there is a possibility of correcting the ravages of years; but there is only one way of accomplishing that end.

Use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN’S WORLD’S HAIR RESTORER. It is the implacable foe of grey hairs and baldness and all other innovators upon the capital of that true Corinthian column — man — and it is as innocent as it is serviceable. This renowned preparation is sold by all chemists and perfumers. Price, 6s. Depot: 114 and 116, Southampton-row, London.