'Something to look forward to...' (Free)

Submit a short 'Something to look forward to...' entry for free. Sum up your event in no more than 40 words. We will try and publish as many as possible (the week before your event) but we are unable to guarantee that it will appear. It costs only £10 + VAT for a guaranteed and highlighted entry.

Sponsored Article

Submit a sponsored entertainment article for just £50.00 + VAT. Articles should be around 250 words long and include an image (not a poster or graphic).  They will appear in our house style and will be marked as a 'sponsored article'.

'Something to look forward to...' (Paid)

Submit a short 'Something to look forward to...' entry for just £10. Sum up your event in no more than 50 words and include a link for more information. Your submission will be published and highlighted in the next issue of the IW Observer.

Small boxed adverts

The small boxed adverts on our What, Where, When page are priced at £15.00 + VAT and are perfect for promoting events. These adverts will appear below or beside the 'Something to look forward to' panel. For registered charities they cost £12 (no VAT). Free artwork.

What, Where, When, sidebar adverts

We also have some very limited space to accommodate adverts down the left hand side of our What, Where, When page. Please contact Emma to discuss the latest options prices, and to book. Adverts can be 2 columns (8.5cm) wide and up to 33cm in height. Free artwork is included in the price.