CABINET CONNECTION: Cllr Karen Lucioni – Cabinet member for regulatory services, community protection, waste and ICT

I hope you have enjoyed your summer. We have been treated to a bumper number of events on our Island this year, many of them free, too, so something for everyone to enjoy. I know the licensing department has been working flat out with all the applications. Thank you to everyone who makes these events such a success for our residents and tourists.

I have been lobbying our Police & Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, about our police station front desks being reopened. I am pleased to say the review of stations has now taken place, and I am expecting an announcement in the near future. I also met the new Deputy Chief Constable last week to talk about my experience of the working relationship with local policing and other issues. I am meeting with the Chief Constable next week, and Donna Jones, to follow up on issues previously raised. I will also reference the new geographical policing model and how it will benefit residents and businesses.

I was very honoured to be asked to speak at Westminster recently to highlight the work being done within our community to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB). Fifty-one per cent of ASB witnesses do not report incidents, and 44 per cent don’t think it is serious enough to report. I can assure you I do take it seriously, as do the police. I have a good working relationship with them and I do follow through on issues, as I meet with them regularly. I have highlighted the brilliant work of Network Ryde, Aspire and Men and other brilliant projects across our Island. It is vital that victims of ASB feel they are being heard and supported as we continue with interventions and develop approaches that prevent it and design it out of our communities.

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Authority, which I represent you all on, has nearly completed the £5 million fire station improvements of our fire estate here on the Island. I visited our stations a few weeks ago to see the work already finished and what is to be undertaken going forward. Thank you to all our emergency services on the Island for keeping us safe.