LOOK BACK IN TIME: 2nd Dec 1916

By Press Release Dec 6, 2022

This week we have selected two contrasting pieces from the Isle of Wight Observer published on Saturday, 2nd December 1916, during the food shortages of WWI
There were World’s Stores branches on the high streets of Cowes, Ryde and Newport.

The War Savings Committee are issuing a leaflet urging the people to economise in meat, bread, tea, alcohol, sugar, butter, fat and soda, and are pointing out that it would be bad taste indeed to celebrate Christmas this year in any orgy of indulgence and extravagant living. It would be idle to deny that over-eating and over-drinking still mark some phases of the festive season, but the pagan side of Christmas is not glorified to the extent that it used to be many years ago, and it is to be hoped that this year the festival will be observed in a spirit of frugality and sacrifice.

The approach of Christmas with its accustomed festivities, brings the food question before the average housewife in a still more acute form. With prices ever rising, the present is indeed an anxious time for those upon whom falls the responsibility of stocking the larder.
There is a general agreement, however, among all classes that the time-honoured institution must be kept up as of yore, and she will be a courageous woman who ventures to sacrifice the most typical of Yuletide fare – the Christmas pudding. This wholesome and nutritious item in the Christmas banquet must therefore be taken for granted. And after all, in spite of the general advance in prices, it need not cost more if the “Chancellor of the Exchequer” is wise in her shopping.
Extraordinarily good value in all the ingredients of the Xmas puddings is being offered this season by the World’s Stores whose access to all the markets, and huge purchasing power enable them to keep prices consistently down to a reasonable level.
Plentiful stocks of other Xmas goods and necessities are also held in readiness at the firm’s central warehouses, and residents in this district may rely on obtaining all the groceries and provisions they will require for the festive season at keenly cut prices, and in beautifully fresh condition, from the local branch.