Flood warning: surge tide to hit Island’s shore-side roads and car parks

THE Isle of Wight was put on alert by the government’s Food Information Service on Tuesday evening – with residents and businesses close to the Cowes Floating Bridge advised to install property protection to ward off flooding.

Wednesday morning may see  flooding of shore-side roads and car parks.

Tomorrow morning is the key time to prepare for…the tide at 10.32am is “much higher than normal as unsettled weather brings strong southerly Force 7 winds”, said the official warning.

It added: “Levels will be similar to those recorded in January this year. For an hour either side of high tide, spray overtopping of sea defences and flooding of sea front roads, esplanades and car parks is expected.

“Water levels will be very high up slipways in Cowes and Medina Road at the Floating Bridge. The weather increases tide table values by 0.48 m (surge) giving a forecast tide of 4.92 metres Chart Datum (2.33 mAOD) at Cowes, and 3.78m Chart Datum (1.8mAOD) at Yarmouth.

Yarmouth could also be hit.

d”Tide levels remain high until Saturday, but will be much closer to normal high spring tide values. We continue to monitor tide levels and forecasts. Property near to the floating bridge may wish to install property protection as a precaution. This message will be removed by 07/11/2018 at 16:00 as further significant impacts are not expected.”