A charity is on the lookout for therapy dog volunteers on the Island.
Therapy Dogs Nationwide is a national charity which supports visiting volunteers who take their own dogs into residential care homes, schools and other establishments to provide comfort, distraction, and stimulation.
The benefits of animal-assisted therapies have been extensively studied, and results range from improvement in general health and wellbeing, increased confidence levels, improved and controlled movement to improved communication skills.
Until recently anyone wishing to undertake visits through the charity needed to travel to the mainland for their dog’s assessment, but there is now an Island-based assessor for the charity.
If you have a bit of spare time and a calm, relaxed dog which enjoys attention and will walk on a loose lead, this could be the perfect opportunity for you and your four-legged friend. The charity asks volunteers for a £20 per year contribution towards the cost of insurance, paperwork and ID badges.
You can apply to be a registered volunteer via iow.life/therapydogs or email enquiries@tdn.org.uk.