LOOK BACK IN TIME: 11 August 1888

The Isle of Wight Observer published on August 11th, 1888 was looking forward to Ryde Carnival. Then, as now, carnival organisers were telling people they needed take part in the celebrations to make them a success.

THE CARNIVAL. – We understand that all the arrangements connected with this event are progressing most satisfactorily, and, should the weather prove favourable we have no doubt it will be a great success. We hope that the business streets will be brilliantly illuminated, and that all classes will don a fancy dress for disguise and take part in the amusements. If every boy and girl in the town carries a 2d. lantern, the streets of Ryde will be turned into fairyland. The success of a carnival depends upon the general public taking an active part in it. Ryde used to be celebrated for original costumes, and we believe on this occasion it will not forget its former reputation. There is no need to go to any great expense; a little originality will turn an ordinary dress into burlesque and pantomime. Our streets are admirably adapted for a carnival – no town looked better at the Jubilee celebrations, – and we hope that Ryde will come out well on this occasion. A ball masque in connection with the carnival has been arranged at the Theatre by Mr. Richardson. The Isle of Wight Railway have made special arrangements, enabling visitors in other parts of the Island to visit our town. For full particulars, see advertisement.