A new Warrior could be a hero

Warrior (II) pic: Hounds for Heroes

Eleven years ago, cadets from Island units took part in a sponsored Round the Island Cadet Relay, to raise funds for Hounds for Heroes.

They raised £5,000, enough money to name a puppy, which would be trained to assist an injured or disabled veteran from the armed forces or emergency services.

It took two days for sea cadets from TS Osborne and TS Royal George, cadets from C Company Army Cadet Force, Air cadets from 1024 Squadron ATC, and the combined cadet forces of Cowes Enterprise College and Ryde School to walk 56 miles of the coastal path, each unit taking on a section of the way.

A puppy was purchased to be trained and given the name Warrior, named after the stallion who went to war on the Western Front with Gen. Jack Seely.

Unfortunately, Warrior proved not to be suitable, and he is no longer on the Hounds for Heroes assistance dog training programme. Recently, Sqn Ldr Liz Mead (Ret’d), who organised the original event, was contacted by Hounds for Heroes and was told that a new dog has been christened Warrior and is now in training.

The black Labrador puppy is described as a gentle character who takes it all in his stride. and is quick to learn and loves to play with his favourite duck toy.

Liz said: “This time we all hope that that Warrior the Second will prove to be a hero for a Hero.”