Enjoy the benefits of cold water swimming

Community-interest company, Swim The Wight, has been awarded a grant to promote the benefits of cold-water swimming and sea-based activities to Islanders.

Free sessions on cold water acclimatisation and swimming sessions are now available for certain postcodes on the Island. The health project will run throughout the winter and over the next 18 months, with the aim of encouraging people, who may not have previously tried cold-water sports, into the sea safely and enjoyably. There will also be weekly sea café swims at various Island beaches, post-dip refreshments, beach hut hire for winter and equipment hire.

For those living outside the selected postcodes, the cost is £5 per sea café session and £30 for an acclimatisation theory and practise session.

Victoria Thorneton-Field, of Swim The Wight, said: “Over the past three years we have seen so many people grow in confidence through joining our regular sea cafés. Members have learned how to use the sea safely, they have felt huge benefits, laughed a lot, made new friends, all of which helps their physical and mental health.”

To find out more and discover if you’re eligible for free sessions visit iow.life/swimtthewight or call Victoria on 07833 348186.