NEWS FROM COUNTY HALL: Cllr Paul Fuller – Cabinet member for Planning, flooding and coastal protection


Your opportunity to feedback comments to the Planning Inspectorate on the Island’s Planning Bible continues until Monday, August 19.

Although the council made many changes, this offers a further opportunity to raise those unresolved concerns along with evidence, direct to the independent planning inspector. Comments can be made from libraries, County Hall, and Seaclose, and via ExxonMobil are consulting on proposals for their cross-Island pipeline, which takes carbon from Fawley refineries to be captured beneath the English Channel. The consultation continues until September 12, with details available via Because of national significance, this will be considered off-Island by the Planning Inspectorate.

Planning drop-ins continue from 2pm on Wednesday afternoons at Seaclose offices, Newport.


With Section 19 flooding reports being published, the council alongside flood groups can now start to progress. In partnership with the Environment Agency, Southern Water and local councils, capacity has grown to provide extra help. Flood report priorities are key for myself and cabinet colleagues.

Coastal Protection

Great news! Leeson Road opened on July 17, whilst Gills Cliff Road will be open by August 9. The opening of Leeson Road was only made possible through many hours of discussion and negotiation with stakeholders.

The coastal protection team is working hard to repair storm damage caused to sea defences. We have cleared landslides in several areas, repaired the Colwell sea wall, made repairs to the promenades in Sandown Bay, Seaview, and Cowes to Gurnard, and have a full programme of projects to improve and protect our seaside communities going forward.

Recognising coastal protection works at Ventnor’s Eastern Esplanade, the IW Council-led project won the award for Integration & Collaborative Working, at the regional construction excellence, the SECBE Awards. These works have been nominated for the National Construction Excellence Award, to be announced in the autumn. Congratulations to all for making this happen.

In light of the landslip issues we still face, a bid has been made to the Local Levy Fund to support a Landslide and Coastal Loss Community Co-ordinator, which we heard this week was successful. Details to be announced soon.