Party gives full support for Freshwater Save Our School

The Isle of Wight Green Party Island-wide March meeting voted unanimously to support the campaign to keep a primary school in the large village of Freshwater.

After listening to a presentation by Freshwater Parish Councillors Daniel James and Vix Lowthion, the meeting discussed the flawed consultation document, narrow options and the impact any school closure will have to set back regeneration opportunities in the village.

The motion carried read as “We give our full support to the campaign to Save the School in Freshwater, and ask the council to go back and prepare a fully comprehensive report on the future of West Wight schools, including a wide reaching set of alternative options.”

Cllr Daniel James said “IW Green Party members have worked hard by supporting parents, children and the local community to keep a school open in Freshwater since it was first announced last month. We have analysed the report, written documents, listened to villagers – and it’s very clear that the entire foundation for the school closure is deeply flawed. The West Wight deserves much more support from this council: they must go back to the basics and look again with a view to properly supporting our rural Island schools with a sustainable future.”

The next public meeting will be held at St Saviours School, Totland on Monday 1st April at 6pm.