This week I was proud to be present at the raising of the flag at County Hall for International Women’s Day on March 8.
It caused me to reflect on the fact that, on the Island, we have many women in important positions reflecting the far more equal society that has developed in this country over my lifetime. Within the council, alongside me, I have three female cabinet members, Karen Lucioni, Julie Jones Evans and Debbie Andre, all of whom do important work in their local communities.
We also have Claire Critchison as the chairman of the council, who has done a superb job in representing the council and the Island at many events over the last two years, as well as welcoming new residents to our Island in citizenship ceremonies.
We have a female Lord-Lieutenant, a female High Sheriff and a female chief executive of the Isle of Wight Council. In the arts, we also have Rhiann Teasdale and Hester Chambers of the award-winning band, Wet Leg, who are flying the flag for the Island across the globe at the moment.
However just as important, if not more so, we have dedicated and able women leading many of our local charities and volunteer groups who do so much valuable work for our residents. I have always said that such groups are the beating heart of our local community and we must do everything we can to support what they do.
I could list many names at this point, which could fill this page, let alone this column. However one person I would highlight is Victoria Dunford who leads the MAD-Aid organisation and provides support for many, including people from other parts of the globe, where equality is still a dream rather than something that actually exists.
The position, and important roles held by women in our local community, is another thing we can be very proud of on our Island. International Women’s Day was an opportunity to highlight this fact, but we must be conscious to recognise this fact and provide support every day. That is something I will always do, and I will do all I can in my position to promote this support and recognition every day.