The IW Observer gives a new approach to on-line advertising

Exciting news! Our team has expanded, and now, so is our digital presence. We’ve recently welcomed Tilly Walder and Colin Clarke to our editorial and production teams. Their arrival brings an exciting opportunity to upgrade our on-line presence, complementing the Island’s favourite newspaper that has been our key focus for more than five years.

The IW Observer has always been about supporting our local community, we print 18,500 free newspapers every week, and our weekly digital newspaper is delivered free to more than 4,500 subscribers – you can join them at

Now we are taking this commitment even further as our brand new website goes live. We’re all about creating more value and opportunities for our readers and local advertisers, without the hassle of pop-ups or paywalls. We want you to read Island news – not battle to get to it!

Rest assured, the spotlight remains firmly on local advertising – our website will not put local businesses in competition with national advertisers who do not support the Island.

What makes us different? Here’s the news:
• Absolutely free: Our digital and physical newspapers are free forever, with no barriers like paywalls or annoying pop-ups.
• Local first: We promote local advertisers only, ensuring adverts aimed at Islanders aren’t competing with national campaigns.
• Partnership approach: Expect excellent customer service, rapid local decision-making, and competitive pricing designed to foster long-term collaboration. We understand that we need you at least as much as you need us!
• Transparent and jargon-free: We’re keeping it simple, with straightforward communication and pricing. You’ll know exactly what you’re getting without any fuss – who needs all that mumbo-jumbo? – they’re adverts not rocket science!

The Isle of Wight Observer isn’t about breaking news – we offer insightful perspectives and champion our Island. We stand up to vested interests and powerful people when necessary and we celebrate Island successes.

Are you interested in reaching more Islanders with our unique blend of local focus and hassle-free on-line advertising, with prices starting from just £10 a week? Call Emma on 07948 483 355, or email her at Curious about our rates? We’re open about them. Visit for the full rundown – and remember, those are maximum prices – discounts often apply.

Our new mobile-friendly website,, is evolving, and we welcome suggestions for improvements – just contact Sandy at

Join us in our new chapter of on-line advertising. We’re doing digital differently – give us a try and see for yourself.