Bob Seely welcomes medical cannabis – let us know your thoughts

Island MP Bob Seely has welcomed the government allowing medicinal cannabis to be prescribed by specialist doctors to patients.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid has accepted advice from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) to reschedule medicinal cannabis and products will be available by the autumn.

Mr Seely has spoken out about the need for medicinal cannabis to be given in certain cases after meeting with several Island residents who have campaigned for access to the drug.

“Nationally there have been several cases where it was clear that medicinal cannabis was the right treatment for patients but the law had not caught up with that need, so I welcome this announcement by the Home Secretary,” said Bob.

“On the Island, I have been contacted by constituents who wanted access to this treatment and I’m pleased they will now be able to go to their doctors to discuss a prescription for medicinal cannabis within weeks.”

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